CSMON-LIFE (Citizen Science MONitoring) was one of the first Italian projects which focused on using a citizen science approach for monitoring biodiversity. It was funded by the European Commission under the LIFE+ programme.
The project aimed at stimulating the participation of the citizens, involving them in the study, management and conservation of biodiversity. This active involvement could help in producing a collaboration among citizens, scientific community and institutions, in order to develop new and more effective environmental policies by following a participatory approach.
During the project a set of tools for the collection of scientific data have been developed, and made available to the citizens, enabling them to use smartphones and tablets for monitoring biodiversity.
Some figures from the project's results are:
- more than 20000 participants to project activities (BioBlitzes, Scoprinatura events, etc.)
- more than 4700 citizens collected observations by using project's Apps
- 120 schools were involved in project's contests
- more than 15 million cittizens were informed through the media
- more than 23000 obserations were collected during the funding phase of the project
After the end of the funded phase, citizens are continuing sending observations at a rate of ca. 400/month.