Usnea wasmuthii Räsänen

Substrate: bark
Altitudinal range: from the mesomediterranean belt (potential vegetation: evergreen broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus ilex) to the subalpine belt (potential vegetation: open, taiga-like forests dominated by Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra and Rhododendron)
Note: a species resembling U. subfloridana in the shrubby thallus with black base, with large, longitudinally streched soralia, containing salazinic and/or barbatic acid; ecologically similar to U. florida, but more frequent at lower altitudes in warm-humid areas.
Austria: Kärnten; Germany: Schwaben; Switzerland: Luzern; Schwyz; Valais; France: Vaucluse; Italy: Liguria;