Psorotichia schaereri (A. Massal.) Arnold

Syn.: Collemopsis caesia Nyl., Collemopsis schaereri (A. Massal.) Cromb., Pannaria schaereri A. Massal., Psorotichia caesia (Nyl.) Forssell, Pyrenopsis schaereri (A. Massal.) Nyl., Synalissa schaereri (A. Massal.) Tuck., Trachyderma schaereri (A. Massal.) Trevis.
Substrate: calciferous rocks, siliceous rocks
Altitudinal range: from the mesomediterranean belt (potential vegetation: evergreen broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus ilex) to the subalpine belt (potential vegetation: open, taiga-like forests dominated by Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra and Rhododendron)
Note: on more or less shaded seepage tracks of limestone, dolomite, calcareous sandstone and schists, rarely on walls, with a wide altitudinal range, but not reaching beyond treeline; widespread throughout the Alps.
Austria: ?Vorarlberg; Tirol; Salzburg; Kärnten; Steiermark; Niederösterreich (incl. Wien); Germany: Oberbayern; Switzerland: Bern; Schwyz; Unterwalden; France: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence; Alpes-Maritimes; Isère; Savoie; Haute-Savoie; Vaucluse; Var; Italy: Veneto; Trentino Alto Adige; Lombardia; Piemonte; Liguria;