Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch

Syn.: Diploschistes albissimus (Ach.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth., Diploschistes gypsaceus auct. p.p., Diploschistes steppicus Reichert, Urceolaria diacapsis Ach., Urceolaria scruposa (Schreb.) Ach. var. diacapsis (Ach.) Schaer.
Substrate: calciferous soil
Altitudinal range: from the mesomediterranean belt (potential vegetation: evergreen broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus ilex) to the montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: a widespread species of arid grasslands found on calciferous or base-rich soil in open, dry situations.
Switzerland: ?Bern; ?Fribourg; ?Graubünden; ?Ticino; ?Valais; France: Haute-Alpes; Alpes-Maritimes; Drôme; Vaucluse; Italy: Trentino Alto Adige; Lombardia; Piemonte; Liguria;