Myriolecis agardhiana (Ach.) Śliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch subsp. sapaudica (Cl. Roux) Nimis & Cl. Roux var. sapaudica

Syn.: Lecanora agardhiana Ach. subsp. sapaudica Cl. Roux, Lecanora agardhiana Ach. subsp. sapaudica Clauzade & Cl. Roux [invalidly published, ICN Art. 40.1 + 8]
Substrate: calciferous rocks
Altitudinal range: from the montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies) to the alpine belt (potential vegetation: treeless Alpine grasslands and tundras, to the lower limit of perennial snow and the equilibrium line of glaciers)
Note: restricted to areas near or above treeline; certainly more widespread in the Alps.
Austria: Vorarlberg; Tirol; Salzburg; Kärnten; Steiermark; Oberösterreich; Niederösterreich (incl. Wien); Germany: Oberbayern; France: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence; Haute-Alpes; Alpes-Maritimes; Drôme; Savoie; Vaucluse; Italy: Veneto; Piemonte;