Scytinium aragonii (Otálora) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin

Syn.: Leptogium aragonii Otálora
Altitudinal range: from the submediterranean/colline belt (potential vegetation: mixed deciduous forests dominated by Quercus and Carpinus) to the subalpine belt (potential vegetation: open, taiga-like forests dominated by Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra and Rhododendron)
Note: a recently-described species, widespread throughout Europe in old forests, from 200 m in northern regions to 1,800 m in the South, on pleurocarpous mosses close to the base of trunks, over mossy walls or calcareous rocks within forests, or on mosses in rock fissures within dry subalpine grasslands.
Germany: Oberbayern; Schwaben; Switzerland: Schwyz; France: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence; Alpes-Maritimes; Italy: Piemonte;