Pseudoschismatomma rufescens (Pers.) Ertz & Tehler

Syn.: Opegrapha contexta Stirt., Opegrapha herpetica (Ach.) Ach., Opegrapha herpetica (Ach.) Ach. var. subocellata Ach., Opegrapha lilacina A. Massal., Opegrapha rubecula A. Massal., Opegrapha rubella Pers., Opegrapha rufescens Pers., Opegrapha siderella (Ach.) Ach., Opegrapha subocellata (Ach.) Hepp
Substrate: bark
Altitudinal range: from the mesomediterranean belt (potential vegetation: evergreen broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus ilex) to the montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: a mainly temperate, widespread lichen found on the smooth bark of deciduous trees, especially in woodlands near creeks and rivers in humid valleys; widespread throughout the Alps.
Austria: Vorarlberg; Tirol; Salzburg; Kärnten; Steiermark; Oberösterreich; Niederösterreich (incl. Wien); Burgenland; Germany: Oberbayern; Switzerland: Appenzell; Bern; Fribourg; Glarus; Graubünden; Luzern; St. Gallen; Schwyz; Ticino; Uri; Unterwalden; Vaud; Valais; France: Alpes-Maritimes; Drôme; Isère; Savoie; Haute-Savoie; Vaucluse; Var; Italy: Friuli; Veneto; Trentino Alto Adige; Lombardia; Piemonte; Slovenia: Alpine and Pre-Alpine Slovenia; Trnovsky Gozd; Liechtenstein