Altitudinal distribution: subalpine belt (potential vegetation: open, taiga-like forests dominated by Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra and Rhododendron)
Note: a species probably related to V. latebrosa, with a cream-coloured to brownish, continuous to partly rimose thallus which around the ascomata is areolate, the areoles of various shapes and even subsquamulose, in section paraplectenchymatic, ascomata (to 0.35 mm in diam.) immersed in the areoles, with an (almost) entire, well-developed involucrellum, 8-spored asci, and obovoid, simple ascospores (26-31 × 13-15 μm); on submerged siliceous rocks in streams; only known from the type locality in the Eastern Alps (Switzerland).