Mycoporum elabens Flot. ex Nyl.

Syn.: Arthothelium flotovianum Körb., Dermatina elabens (Flot. ex Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Substrate: bark
Altitudinal distribution: montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: a species with a whitish granular thallus, roundish, black oligolocular stromata, fissitunicate asci, and muriform ascospores with 1 longitudinal septum; a rare lichen found on the bark of conifers (Pinus, Abies); in Europe, sterile material was probably overlooked, and most records are historical; in the study area so far only recorded from a few localities of the Eastern Alps.
Austria: Tirol; Salzburg; Steiermark; Oberösterreich; Germany: Oberbayern;