Lecidea lenticella (Arnold) Stizenb.

Syn.: Biatora lenticella Arnold
Substrate: calciferous rocks
Altitudinal range: from the subalpine belt (potential vegetation: open, taiga-like forests dominated by Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra and Rhododendron) to the alpine belt (potential vegetation: treeless Alpine grasslands and tundras, to the lower limit of perennial snow and the equilibrium line of glaciers)
Note: a species with a thin whitish thallus recalling Catillaria lenticularis, but apart from the non-septate ascospores, with conglutinated paraphyses lacking clavate tips and pigment caps; on limestone from the subalpine to the alpine belt.
Austria: Tirol; Germany: Oberbayern; Switzerland: Valais;