Polysporina limborinella (Müll. Arg.) Hafellner

Syn.: Biatorella limborinella (Müll. Arg.) H. Olivier, Lecidea limborinella Müll. Arg.
Lichenised. Poorly known taxon.
Substrate: siliceous rocks
Altitudinal distribution: nival belt (above the lower limit of perennial snow and glaciers)
Note: a species resembling in habitus to P. urceolata, with a strongly reduced (endolithic) thallus and rough. brown-black apothecia (to 0.3 mm in diam) provided with a thick margin with some radial cracks which widely obtects the punctiform, urceolate disc, and asci containing very numerous, minute ascospores (c. 2 μm long); on\ly known from the type locality in the Western Alps (Switzerland), on siliceous schists.
Switzerland: Valais;