Caloplaca prinii B. de Lesd.

Syn.: Caloplaca clauzadei B. de Lesd., Caloplaca diffusa Vondrák & Llimona
Lichenised. Poorly known taxon.
Substrate: siliceous rocks
Altitudinal range: from the submediterranean/colline belt (potential vegetation: mixed deciduous forests dominated by Quercus and Carpinus) to the montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: a taxon of the C. crenulatella-lactea-group with a thallus consisting of minute orange granules which also develop on the outside of the apothecial margins, and narrowly ellipsoid ascospores with thin septa; perhaps lichenicolous, overgrowing Aspicilia-species, on basic siliceous pebbles; in the strict sense only known from the type locality in the Western Alps at a low elevation, not far from the Mediterranean coast.
France: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence; Alpes-Maritimes; Var;