Opegrapha celtidicola (Jatta) Jatta

Syn.: Lecanactis lyncea (Sm.) Fr. var. celtidicola Jatta, Opegrapha betulinoides B. de Lesd., Opegrapha thallincola B. de Lesd., Opegrapha xylographoides J. Steiner
Substrate: bark, lignum
Altitudinal range: from the mesomediterranean belt (potential vegetation: evergreen broad-leaved forests dominated by Quercus ilex) to the submediterranean/colline belt (potential vegetation: mixed deciduous forests dominated by Quercus and Carpinus)
Note: a Mediterranean-Atlantic lichen found on old trees, near the base of the trunks, at relatively low elevations, with a few records from the base of the Western Alps.
France: Alpes-Maritimes; Italy: Liguria;