Palicella filamentosa (Stirt.) Rodr. Flakus & Printzen

Syn.: Lecanora filamentosa (Stirt.) Elix & Palice, Lecanora ramulicola (H. Magn.) Printzen & P.F. May, Lecidea filamentosa Stirt., Lecidea hercynica M. Hauck & Schmull, Lecidea ramulicola (H. Magn.) Hillm. non H. Magn. (1952) nec H. Magn. (1953), Lecidea saepincola Ach. var. ramulicola H. Magn.
Substrate: lignum, bark
Altitudinal distribution: montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: a species with an endosubstratic to rimose-areolate thallus reacting K+ yellow (atranorin), and ochre to blackish-grey apothecia with persisting biatorine margins; mainly on wood, but also on bark in montane coniferous forests; certainly more widespread in the Alps, but the distribution is poorly known due to frequent misidentifications.
Austria: Salzburg; Steiermark; Germany: Oberbayern;