Farnoldia hypocrita (A. Massal.) Fröberg var. ligans (Nyl.) Hafellner & Türk

Syn.: Lecidea hypocrita A. Massal. var. ligans (Nyl.) Hertel, Lecidea ligans Nyl.
Substrate: calciferous rocks
Altitudinal range: from the montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies) to the alpine belt (potential vegetation: treeless Alpine grasslands and tundras, to the lower limit of perennial snow and the equilibrium line of glaciers)
Note: a variety with smaller apothecia with thin, flexuose margins and often blue-grey pruinose discs; on sunny surfaces of limestone and dolomite; a rare taxon of the Central European mountains; the distribution in the Alps is incompletely known because this variety was not always distinguished.
Austria: Tirol; Steiermark; Oberösterreich; France: Savoie; Haute-Savoie; Italy: Trentino Alto Adige;