Pyrenopsis endoxantha Anzi

Syn.: Psorotichia endoxantha (Anzi) Forssell
Lichenised. Poorly known taxon.
Substrate: siliceous rocks
Altitudinal distribution: submediterranean/colline belt (potential vegetation: mixed deciduous forests dominated by Quercus and Carpinus)
Note: a species with a spreading thallus consisting of minute, brownish black, mostly scattered, granulose areoles, the inner part yellowish in section, and sessile, first concave and marginate, then flat and immarginate, reddish black apothecia arising between the areoles, with a brownish epi- and hypothecium, 8-spored asci, and simple, hyaline, oblong ascospores measuring 15-20 × 7-8 µm; described from material collected on siliceous nodules within limestone rocks in the surroundings of Como (Italy). The type material would be well worthy of further study.
Italy: Lombardia;