Thelopsis lojkana (Poetsch ex Arnold) Nyl.

Syn.: Sagedia lojkana Poetsch ex Arnold, Thelopsis tholoides Lettau
Substrate: calciferous rocks, intermediate rocks (such as calciferous schists),
Altitudinal distribution: montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: a species with smooth ascomata which are blackish brown in the upper half, immersed at first and later protruding, and 3-septate, halonate ascospores (to 25 µm long), found on vertical to overhanging faces of limestone in the shade of montane forests; rare in the Central European mountains, with a few scattered records from the Alps.
Austria: Salzburg; Steiermark; Oberösterreich; Switzerland: Bern; Slovenia: Alpine and Pre-Alpine Slovenia;