Pertusaria pulvereosulphurata Harm.

Lichenised. Poorly known taxon.
Substrate: bark
Altitudinal range: from the submediterranean/colline belt (potential vegetation: mixed deciduous forests dominated by Quercus and Carpinus) to the montane belt (potential vegetation: deciduous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica and closed coniferous forests with Picea abies)
Note: the type material recalls a yellowish morph of Loxospora elatina, but the chemistry is different (atranorin and unknown substances); likely to belong to a genus other than Pertusaria; on bark of deciduous trees in Western Europe; most records from the Alps are in need of re-investigation.
Switzerland: ?Bern; ?Glarus; ?Graubünden; ?Schwyz; ?Vaud; France: Vaucluse;