Polyblastia bormiensis Servít

Lichenised. Poorly known taxon.
Substrate: siliceous rocks
Altitudinal distribution:
Note: a silicicolous species resembling P. fuscoargillacea, but with a different ecology and with a thin, epilithic, ochraceous, rimose to areolate thallus forming large patches, the areolae superficially granulose to minutely verrucose, hemispherically protruding perithecia (to 0.25 mm in diam.) with an adpressed involucrellum reaching down about 1/3 of the perithecium, and subglobose to broadly obovoid ascospores (to c. 25 µm long) with up to 6 transversal septa and up to 2 incomplete longitudinal septa; only known from the type locality in the Eastern Alps (Italy).
Italy: Lombardia;