Lecidea grisella Nyl.

in Notis. ur Sällsk. pro Faun. et Flor. F. Fӧrh., n. ser., V. 1866. p. 160.
Synonyms: Lecidea fumosa var. grisella Flӧrk., Schaer. (Enum. p. 110.)
Localirty of collection: Ad rupes basalticas montis Bolca Veronensium et trachyticas Euganeorum.
Notes: Dalla Lec. fuscoatra (Linn.) Ach. è certamente specie affatto distinta.
Catalogue ID: MSNVE-24914

All images have been taken by Dr. Maria Zardini. They are property of the Natural History Museum of Venbice, and are distributed under a CC BY licencse.