Lobaria platyphylla Trevis.

Synonyms: Sticta platyphylla Massal. (Mem. lich. p. 32, ad mea specimina huc tradita descripta) non Nyl. (Syn. lich. I. p. 357); St. damaecornis var. platyphylla Laur. (in Sieb. Crypt. exot. exs. n. 38).
Localirty of collection: Ad arborum cort. in insula Mauritii legit Hilsenberg (Sieb. Crypt. exot. exs. n. 38).
Catalogue ID: MSNVE-24867

All images have been taken by Dr. Maria Zardini. They are property of the Natural History Museum of Venbice, and are distributed under a CC BY licencse.