THE LICHENS OF NORTHERN ITALY - An interactive guide
Pier Luigi Nimis
Northern Italy, comprising the administrative regions of Piemonte, Valle d' Aosta, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and the so-called 'Triveneto' (Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia), includes the Alps, the great plains of the North, the Karst Region near Trieste, and a part of the Tyrrhenian coast in Liguria.
Northern Italy has been intensively studied since the 'Golden Period' of Italian lichenology by scholars such as e.g. M. Anzi, F. Arnold, F. Baglietto, G. De Notaris, S. Garovaglio, A. Massalongo, and V. Trevisan, and by many other lichenologists in recent times. As a consequence, it is the lichenologically best-explored part of Italy: more than 2300 infrageneric taxa have been reported from Northern Italy.
This key, including 2826 infrageneric taxa (among which several species which were never reported from the survey area, but are likely to occur there), was produced with the latest version of software FRIDA, developed at the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste, and is a further step toward the completion of a lichen flora of Italy. Although not yet fully tested and corrected, the key is published online in order to render its testing possible by the lichenological community. Any suggestion for its improvement is welcome: messages should be sent by email to P.L. Nimis -
How to use the key
Last modified: August, 1, 2024