Pier Luigi Nimis
Acrocordia is a small, well-characterised genus of c. 10 tropical to temperate lichens, occurring both on rock and bark, usually in humid-shaded situations. The genus belongs to the Monoblastiales, a small order with a single family (Monoblastiaceae) of chiefly tropical pyrenocarpous lichens (Dothideomycetes), with the highest diversity in tropical rain forests and periodically dry ecosystems of South America. Keys to European species are in e.g. Poelt & Vězda (1977) and Clauzade & Roux (1985).
The present key includes 9 infrageneric taxa: the 6 taxa known to occur in Italy (Nimis 2016), plus 2 other taxa known from neighbouring countries (see e.g. Nimis & al. 2018) and to be looked for in Italy, plus Lithothelium triseptatum an unrelated species which was frequently treated as a member of Acrocordia in the past.
Clauzade G., Roux C. 1985. Likenoj de okcidenta Europo. Ilustrita determinlibro. Bulletin Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, Nr. spéc., 7, 893 pp.
Nimis P.L. 2016. The lichens of Italy. A second annotated catalogue. EUT, Trieste, 740 pp.
Nimis P.L., Hafellner J., Roux C., Clerc P., Mayrhofer H., Martellos S., Bilovitz P.O. 2018. The Lichens of the Alps. An Annotated Catalogue. Mycokeys, 31: 1-634.
Poelt J., Vězda A. 1977. Bestimmungsschlüussel europäischer Flechten. Ergänzungsheft I. Bibl. Lichenol., 9: 1-258.