Spiraea hypericifolia L. subsp. hypericifolia
Conti F, Bartolucci F (2023) Taxonomy and distribution of Spiraea hypericifolia in Italy and typification of the name S. flabellata (Rosaceae). Plants 12(3): 536. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12030536
Abruzzo; Umbria: non ritrovata in tempi recenti / historical record;
Lista rossa / Red Lists: Minacciata / Endagered (EN)
Lista rossa / Red Lists: Minacciata / Endagered (EN)
Altri taxa infraspecifici / Other infraspecific taxa:
Spiraea hypericifolia L.
Spiraea hypericifolia L. subsp. obovata (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) H.Huber