Myosotis decumbens Host subsp. kerneri (Dalla Torre & Sarnth.) Grau

Record erroneo / Wrong record
The record of this taxon in Euro+Med (Valdés 2011) is a mistake. This taxon was never recorded for Italy. The localities cited in Merxmüller and Grau (1963), and Grau (1964a, 1964b) fall within Austrian territory, although close to the Italian border (F. Selvi, pers. comm.)

Altri taxa infraspecifici / Other infraspecific taxa:
Myosotis decumbens Host
Myosotis decumbens Host subsp. decumbens
Myosotis decumbens Host subsp. florentina Grau

Boraginaceae Juss.
Boraginales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
Asteranae Takht.
Magnoliidae Novák ex Takht.

Nome italiano / Italian name: Myosotis di Kerner (Italia), Nontiscordardimé di Kerner (Italia).