Senecio grisebachii Baker

Sinonimi / Synonyms: Senecio icoglossus DC. var. aranosus sensu Baker non DC.;
Record erroneo / Wrong record
Alloctona / Alloctona
Confused with S. pterophorus DC. (Verloove et al. 2007). These two species are not synonyms: for example S. pterophorus is a shrub, while S. grisebachii is a hemicryptophyte. S. pterophorus was introduced in Italy from South Africa independently from the other two European introductions in Spain (Vilatersana et al. 2016).
Liguria: segnalazione erronea / recorded by mistake;

Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Asterales Link
Asteranae Takht.
Magnoliidae Novák ex Takht.

Instituto de Botánica Darwinion de Buenos Aires (SI), SI014824 -

Nome italiano / Italian name: Senecione di Grisebach (Italia).