Centaurea deusta Ten. subsp. leucolepis (DC.) Del Guacchio, Cennamo & P.Caputo

Sinonimi / Synonyms: Centaurea alba auct. Fl. Ital. p.p.; Centaurea alba L. subsp. splendens auct. Fl. Ital.; Centaurea alba L. var. leucolepis (DC.) Nyman; Centaurea aplolepa auct. Fl. Ital. p.p.; Centaurea corensis Vals. & Filigh.; Centaurea leucolepis DC.; Centaurea splendens auct. Fl. Ital. p.p.;
Endemica / Endemic
Del Guacchio E, Iamonico D, Cennamo P, Caputo P (2020) Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on some Centaurea taxa (Asteraceae) from southern Italy. Turkish Journal of Botany 44(4): 441–454. https://doi.org/10.3906/bot-1912-9
Campania; Sardegna: naturalizzata / naturalized;

Lista rossa / Red Lists: Minacciata in modo critico / Critically Endangered (CR)

Altri taxa infraspecifici / Other infraspecific taxa:
Centaurea deusta Ten.
Centaurea deusta Ten. subsp. deusta

Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Asterales Link
Asteranae Takht.
Magnoliidae Novák ex Takht.