SriLankaLichens_Book_eng - page 49

Thallus crustose, corticate, rarely with pseudocyphellae, superficial on the
substratum, continuous, without a distinct hypothallus. Perithecia black, simple
or several joined, with fused ostioles; ascomatal wall completely carbonised,
occasionally with a distinct clypeus, lacking crystals. Hamathecium not
inspersed with oil droplets, IKI+ blue. Asci lacking an ocular chamber, 200–300
× 40–60
m. Ascospores 1–8 per ascus, initially colourless, soon dark brown to
blackish, almost euseptate, irregularly muriform-septate; outer wall to 2
thick, surrounded by a 2–3
m thick gelatinous sheath. Photobiont:
. - This genus of corticolous lichens is still poorly known in Sri
Bulbothrix goebelii
(Zenker) Hale
Thallus foliose, adnate, 2-8 cm wide; lobes 0.4-1.5 mm wide, with marginal
bulbate, dense and ± apically branched cilia. Upper surface pale grey,
moderately isidiate. Lower surface dark brown to black with branched rhizines.
Apothecia very rare, lecanorine. Spores colourless, 1-celled. Photobiont:
chlorococcoid. Spot-tests: cortex K+ yellow (atranorin). Medulla K-, C+ rose,
KC+ red, P- (gyrophoric acid). - A pantropical species of primary and secondary
forests at low elevations, both corticolous and saxicolous.
Bulbothrix hypocraea
(Vain.) Hale
Thallus foliose, adnate, 3-5(-7) cm wide, lobes 1-3.5 mm wide, with marginal
bulbate cilia. Upper surface pale mineral grey, distinctly maculate, lacking
isidia, soredia and pustules. Lower surface pale brown, with moderately dense
and thick rhizines which are concolorous with or darker than lower surface.
Apothecia very rare, lecanorine. Spores colourless, 1-celled. Spot-tests: cortex
K+ yellow (atranorin); medulla K+ yellow turning red, C–, KC-, P+ orange
(salazinic acid). - A mainly corticolous species recently reported from Sri
Lanka, widespread in Asia and also reported from South America, South Africa,
and W Africa.
Bulbothrix isidiza
(Nyl.) Hale
Thallus foliose, adnate to loosely attached, 5-10 cm wide; lobes 1-4 mm wide,
with marginal bulbate cilia. Upper surface pale yellow-green to grey, densely
isidiate. Lower surface uniformly pale brown with simple, pale brown or
darkening rhizines. Apothecia very rare, lecanorine. Spores colourless, 1-celled.
Photobiont: chlorococcoid. Spot-tests: cortex K+ yellow (atranorin). Medulla
K+ yellow turning red, C-, KC-, P+ orange (salazinic acid). - A widespread
pantropical species of open secondary forests, both corticolous and saxicolous.
Bulbothrix meizospora
(Nyl.) Hale
Thallus foliose, closely adnate, 7-10 cm wide; lobes 2-5 mm wide, with sparse
marginal, bulbate cilia. Upper surface pale grey to glaucous–green; isidia and
soredia absent. Lower surface dark brown to black, with simple, brown to black
rhizines. Apothecia lecanorine. Spores colourless, 1-celled. Photobiont:
chlorococcoid. Spot-tests: cortex K+ yellow (atranorin). Medulla K+ yellow
turning red, C–, KC-, P+ orange (salazinic acid). - Mostly corticolous in rather
open forests, occasionally on siliceous rocks as well; a mainly Asian species,
but also reported from Brazil and Africa.
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