
On January 23, 2023, in an on-line meeting, 60 scientists from 18 countries voted unanimously in favor of the proposal to establish the International Association for Biomonitoring of Environmental Pollution (IABEP), a non-profit association with the goal of disseminating environmental biomonitoring techniques.
The same Assembly also accepted the proposal to hold a Founding Congress in presence in Trieste, Italy.
It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the
Trieste Congress will be held from October 11 to October 13, 2023, under the auspices of the University of Trieste, the City of Trieste and the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, in the prestigious location of the Revoltella Museum.

The Congress is organized in three main sessions: "New Research Frontiers in Environmental Bioindicators", "New Research Frontiers in Environmental Bioaccumulators", and "Standardization of Operational Protocols". Each session will consist in talks of 15 min, followed by a sequence of short talks (max. 5 min each), and by one hour for discussion and analysis. The congress will conclude with a roundtable open to the public on issues of environmental biomonitoring in a changing world, with experts from various disciplines and institutional bodies.

The afternoon of the second day is entirely dedicated to the formal adoption of the statute of the new Association. Subsequently, the statute of the Association will be formally signed by seven scientists (representing all those present), in the presence of a notary and the press, which will be invited to interview the participants of the event. A formal plenary Assembly of the members of the newly constituted Association will follow, in which the Association's institutional figures (President, Secretary and Board), will be elected.

The Trieste Congress offers a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the creation of a new international scientific association. The aim is to disseminate environmental biomonitoring techniques in order to better understand and control the dramatic environmental changes underway.

We look forward to seeing you…with full commitment!

We look forward to meeting you.

The conference is organised with the support and contribution of the City/Municipality of Trieste, and of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste.