Register to the Conference

Family name
Postal Code
Will you join us at the social dinner? Yes No

Registration fee
Full (100 Euro)
Full after August 31 (140 Euro)
Reduced (students) (70 Euro)

Information on the Processing of Personal Data (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/03)
The requested personal data is necessary to provide the requested service (congress registration, services, visits, information) in all its phases (from booking to the management of registrations and payments) and is processed through automated and/or manual procedures. Failure to provide such data would make it impossible to fulfill the received requests or would prejudice their timely processing. The data is processed by specifically appointed individuals responsible for the processing. They will not be disclosed and will be stored for no longer than the duration of the service provided, after which they may be deleted.
The data controller is the Italian Society of Biogeography, represented by the President. Each interested party is entitled to the rights specified in Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, to be exercised against the data controller, also by writing to the email address
For any reports, comments, or suggestions, please send an email to:

We look forward to meeting you.

The conference is organised with the support and contribution of the City/Municipality of Trieste, and of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste.