Abstracts submission form

Abstract must be sent using the template provided here.

Abstracts cannot exceed the following parameters (spaces included):
  • author(s) and title: 250 characters
  • affiliations: 500 characters
  • text: 2000 characters

    You will receive an automatic answer at the email address given in the form, that will confirm the receipt of each abstract. If no email is received, please contact the webmaster (martelst@units.it).

    Abstracts must be submitted within September 1, 2023.

    Corresponding author name

    Corresponding author family name



    Authors (List separated by commas, with affiliation specified as a number in parentheses after the name. Example: Mario Rossi (1), Anna Bianchi (2).)
    Affiliations (List separated by commas, with affiliation number specified in parentheses before the affiliation itself. Example: (1) Museum of Natural History of Trieste, (2) University of Trieste).

    Presentation type:
    full talk
    short talk

    Abstract text (max 2000 character, with blanks. Please, avoid special characters, they could lead to loss of the text, or to make it not properly readable)
    Keywords (max 200 characters, blanks included. Please, avoid special characters)

  • We look forward to meeting you.

    The conference is organised with the support and contribution of the City/Municipality of Trieste, and of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste.