IABEP provisional rules for the election of the President and four Council members

Elections will be in person at the Trieste meeting on the afternoon of October 12th, 2023.

Mauro Tretiach, who stated he has no intention of running for any position, will act as election Chairperson, coordinating the operations related to the election of the President and Council members.

Starting from July 1st, each potential IABEP member can notify the Chairperson, via email (tretiach@units.it), of his/her self-nomination for the role of President or Council member.

The Chairperson shall make the nominations official by September 30th using the congress website.

Candidates may request that their election information be posted on the congress website.

During the assembly, the Chairperson will appoint a secretary to take minutes. The Chairperson will present the nominations, granting the floor to candidates who have requested a brief speech of intent.

Voting will be by secret ballot. For the election of the President, only one preference can be expressed by each attendee.

For the election of the four Council members, up to four preferences may be expressed by each attendee. Once the voting is over, the Chairperson will count the ballots, starting with the election of the President and then the four Council members.

In the event of a tie for the election of the President, a new ballot will be held. In the event of a tie for the election of councilors, a ballot restricted to ex-aequo councilors will be held.

We look forward to meeting you.

The conference is organised with the support and contribution of the City/Municipality of Trieste, and of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste.