Moss sample, the Swiss Army knife of biomonitoring

Sébastien Leblond (1), Caroline Meyer (1)
(1) PatriNat (Office français de la biodiversité, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle), France

France has been taking part in the ICP Vegetation Moss Survey since 1996. Through five-yearly campaigns, around 500 forest and rural sites are sampled throughout the country. To optimize comparisons over time, since 2000, all campaigns have followed the same collection protocol, in terms of both site characterization and moss sample collection and processing methodology. From the beginning, large quantities of mosses have been collected, grinded and packaged, even if this means a lot of work. With over 3100 samples of moss powder stored, this collection is a veritable war treasure. It enables us to revisit samples at a later date, and thus respond to requests or cooperative projects on new themes. Some of the most emblematic uses include : _ determination of contaminants not usually analyzed (Cesium-137, platinum group elements) _ monitoring the physiological state of mosses (metabolomics) in relation to air quality and the possible development of new biomarkers _ compare pollen spectra recorded in mosses with pollen-emitting vegetation _ monitoring changes in microbial biodiversity associated with mosses (testate amoebae) and the possible development of new bioindicators.

Keywords: moss sample, biomonitoring, atmospheric pollution

We look forward to meeting you.

The conference is organised with the support and contribution of the City/Municipality of Trieste, and of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste.