Anonymous agents

Labels of the sheet 715 (MSNVE-26633): at the top the original label written by Achille Forti, Aristocle Vatova, and Victor Schiffner; at the bottom the label transcribed by an anonymous agent

The analysis of the writings present on the labels and sheets of the collection has revealed several contributions that could not be attributed.

As an example, on some sheets, localities and dates are noted in pencil with uncertain handwriting and frequent spelling errors: this intervention was most likely made by a person who simply assisted Aristocle Vatova or Augusto Béguinot during the collections.

Further anonymous contributions concern the labels and are likely the last to have been made. A certain number of sheets are accompanied by labels entirely filled out in unrecognizable handwriting. Among these, only a few contain information that has been faithfully transcribed from the original sheet or from the still-present original label. Often, however, the original information has been altered, for instance, by incorrectly recording the collection data present on the sheet; or unverifiable information has been introduced because it was not available, such as the collector's name, the scientific name, and the indication of who made the identification.

The most invasive interventions have been observed on those original labels, where Schiffner revised the pencil identifications of Vatova or Forti, confirming them with an exclamation point or correcting them with a strike-through but without erasing them. In these cases, the anonymous intervention consisted of incorrect overwriting or deletion of the original pencil annotations; it is evident that these actions were carried out by someone who was unaware of the correct way to complete a label, as well as the need to maintain all revisions made on the samples.

Label of the sheet 267 (MSNVE-26185): it is possible to notice the original identification (in pencil) "Cladophora ramulosa Menegh.", probably by A. Forti, which is hardly readable because it was partly deleted and overwritten by an anonymous agent (whom wrongly reported the authority "Menegh."), afer being struck out and corrected in "flaccida Ktz." by V. Schiffner