The specimens

The digital specimens can be accessed through an alphabetical list of the taxa (species, varieties, forms) in the collection. The list has been prepared using the scientific names used by the authors in the Monograph 'The Venice Lagoon' (Schiffner & Vatova, 1938). The names have not been updated to current nomenclature.
Each taxon can have one or more specimens.

For each specimen, the data have been manually transcibed as they are from the label(s), and are organised as: scientific name, locality and date of collection, legit, determinavit, and notes.

In some cases, it was decided to integrate the information by comparing the writings on the labels and the sheets; for completeness, the data have been verified against what was published in the Monograph. Sometimes, the labels show a different handwriting than that of the authors, likely due to a posthumous intervention that resulted in alterations of information previously written in pencil. Given that this 'third hand' was probably not that of an expert and having identified errors or obvious discrepancies, the data reported in a clearly erroneous manner have been corrected following the same method indicated for the integrations. These interventions are noted as "Observations".
Data have been integrated with catalogue number and geographic coordinates of sampling sites